Implementing change usually means overcoming the resistance of others to changing. Ken Olsen, who was CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation back in 1977 once famously said “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.How short sighted was that? I would laugh at him now except that back in 2008, I bought […]
Corporate Culture
Bear Bryant Motivation
by Larry Johnson I’m a big believer in Bear Bryant Motivation and here’s why. I usually lead off my management workshops by having people brainstorm a list of words and phrases that describe the worst managers for whom they have ever worked. Invariably, the sin of “Takes credit for your work,” is mentioned. Yuk. Isn’t […]
Truth To Power: Avoiding the Naked Emperor Syndrome
Speaking truth to power – definition: (Huffington Post) “Speaking truth to power means believing deeply in what you say and fighting every day to have that heard. It may not be popular; it means taking a risk, it means standing for something.” Alternate definition: having the guts to tell the truth about your company to […]
Improving Corporate Culture – Having an Accountability Conversation, Part 6
This is the 6th in the series of video blogs I’m doing on improving corporate culture by having an accountability conversation. Note: If you missed Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5, you can watch them all before watching this video. What does “Having an accountability conversation” really mean? In our last session, we talked […]
Improving Corporate Culture – Cultivating Employee Accountability, Part 5
This is the fifth in a series of video blogs on improving your corporate culture by cultivating employee accountability. What a concept! In the first four sessions, we talked about the importance of being clear with your team about your expectations around accountability. What Can You Do as a Manager or Supervisor to Create an […]
Improving Corporate Culture – Employee Accountability, Part 4
This is the fourth in a series of video blogs on improving your corporate culture by cultivating employee accountability. If you missed Part 1 , Part 2, and Part 3, you can watch them both before watching this post. You can read the summary of the video below: Corporate Culture We’re looking for people who will […]
Improving Corporate Culture – Employee Accountability, Part 3
This is the third video in a series on improving corporate culture thru employee accountability. I will discuss specific expectations every manager should clarify with every direct and indirect report to establish accountability within your organization’s corporate culture. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2, you can watch them both before watching this post. You […]
Improving Corporate Culture – Employee Accountability, Part 2
This is the second video in a series on building a corporate culture of employee accountability under the whole umbrella of corporate culture and how to improve your corporate culture. I will discuss the importance of managers clarifying expectations around professional practices like work habits, interpersonal effectiveness and ethical behavior to improve corporate culture person […]