This posting on Facebook about the future and the changes we will face comes from Udo Gollub, CEO at Messe Berlin. It’s breathtaking how the future will change our lives, our culture, and our world in the next few years. The Future Is Here! In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all […]
Leading Change
Leaping Into the Future: How One Company Threw Off the Shackles of the Past To Survive and Thrive
In an interview with Josh Clement, the CEO of Soundview regarding change: We all know that people tend to resist change. He said that he gives credit his own fear and insecurity about doing the right thing in responding to the disastrous situation in 2008. That led him to ask his people for ideas and being willing to listen. He said that it was this transparency and trust that made all the difference. Everyone realized they were all in the same boat and the only way to survive was for them to all pull together.
Reinventing Yourself
If you are a Baby Boomer, or old enough to feel like one, check out this article on reinventing your older self by Dorie Clark in the Washington Post Good information to keep us oldies still goodies.
Are Your Canaries Safe?
Most of us are familiar with the role of canaries in coal mines of the past. The miners kept them in cages to warn of lethal gas buildups before the gas poisoned the miners or exploded. If the gas level got too high, the canary would die, telling the miners it was time to exit […]
Which Way Does the Wind Blow? dealing with change
The last time I posted on this blog, I talked about a lesson I learned on one of my daily bicycle rides last week. On today’s ride, I learned about change. I follow a route that takes me up a gradual, six-mile climb, and then I turn around and go home the same way. It’s […]