A study at the University of Warwick involving over 700 participants found that happy employees are 12% more productive than those who are neutral or unhappy.[1] Another study, published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, established that positive emotions positively affect individual performance at work.[2] And, a study of 75 Directors employed in the […]
The Secret To Building Employee Loyalty
But employee loyalty is not free Building employee loyalty is probably the best thing you can do to control and reduce the costs of employee turn-over – and as managers, it behooves us to do so. According to Gallop Workplace (2019): What can you do to build employee loyalty? Consider Market Basket, Inc., a chain of 79 supermarkets operating […]
Retaining Employees: Step #1
As we return to post pandemic normalcy, employers are finding not everyone is returning to work. Consequently, there’s a shortage of good workers at every level in every industry. It only makes sense there should be a renewed focus on retaining employees, especially the good ones. This reminds me of a personal experience I had […]
Team Trust Is A Two-Way Street And Worth The Effort
A chapter description from my new book Supercharge Your Team, due out in 2021. In his book A Great Place To Work For All, Michael Bush describes the research he and his team conducted over 30 years, looking for companies that were reported by their employees as being great places to work. He states unequivocally: […]
Miscommunication Avoidance
Miscommunication can easily happen when two or more human beings attempt to achieve a common understanding. A few years ago, I decided to brighten up my office with a new coat of paint. I subscribe to Architectural Digest Magazine and had seen a color I really liked in one of the photo spreads. It was […]
Managing Remotely? Avoid the “Dreaded BOB Syndrome”
Managing remotely can have many challenges. One is the “Dreaded BOB Syndrome.” BOB is not an acronym, it’s the name of a childhood friend of mine, who, as an adult, moved in across the street from my wife and me. We renewed our friendship and occasionally socialized with him over the next ten years. (he […]
COVID Communication: 12 Ideas for Managers
While the nation passes through the COVID-19 crisis, many people are working from home or working under stressful conditions on the job. There is a high probability that if these conditions continue we will see declines in morale. This is something we all want to avoid because when morale falls, productivity declines, customer satisfaction plummets […]
Emotional Banking Applied To Managing People
In his widely acclaimed book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, Dr Stephen Covey describes the concept of emotional banking. This is the psychological process where we maintain a bank account inside our head on everybody with whom we have a relationship. From our spouse and our children, to our bosses, to our customers, […]