by Larry Johnson The scandal Jayson Blair brought on the New York Times last year by faking in-person interviews and plagiarizing the work of other journalists reminds me that no institution is exempt from the misdeeds of rogue employees. At the time, some reports described Mr. Blair as a victim of an uncaring system that […]
From Bosses to Coaches: How do you get your supervisors to take on the new role?
The team approach is a powerful way to improve processes, eliminate waste, motivate employees, and please residents. Central to the process is the notion that supervisors must transition from being bosses, who make all the decisions, to coaches, who develop team members to make and carry out good decisions., One of my clients who is […]
Confronting Bad Behavior
This is a special follow-up letter exclusively for the attendees of: “CONFRONTING AND CHANGING BAD BEHAVIOR: WHAT EVERY SUPERVISOR SHOULD KNOW,” From the instructor, Larry Johnson, in this letter, Larry offers some great tips to help you implement the strategies that he outlined in the seminar. If you have questions, feel free to e-mail Larry […]
Change Requires Some “Tough” With the “Tender”
by Larry Johnson The owner of a small company I know recently complained to me that he was having difficulty getting his management team to embrace and implement some much needed expansion of the products they offer. Priding himself on being a true believer in participative management, he asked his management team to work out […]
The Bare Truth
© 2002 Larry Johnson & Bob Phillips. The Bare Truth by Larry Johnson and Bob Phillips While conducting a special tour for a group of civilians off the coast of Hawaii on February 9, 2001, the nuclear submarine USS Greenville launched an emergency blow. This is a procedure in which the submarine rises rapidly from […]
Further Adventures In Managing Productivity
by Larry Johnson In the July and September issues of this e-zine, I discussed four of the twelve employee perceptions that have a proven positive impact on profitability, productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee turnover. (Source: First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman.) If you’d like to read those articles, below is […]
Managing People: Do I Look Like A Person Who Cares? I Hope So.
(Main article, July 07 “Tips For Today’s Managers”) by Larry Johnson A friend of mine, I’ll call him Paul, recently went through the pain of a divorce. He came home one day to discover a note from Julie, his now ex-wife, saying she was unhappy and wanted out. In subsequent conversations, she told him that […]
The Final Chapter In Managing Productivity
In the July, September, and October issues of this e-zine, I discussed eight of the twelve employee perceptions that have a proven positive impact on profitability, productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee turnover. (Source: “First, Break All The Rules” by Curt Coffman and Marcus Buckingham.) If you’d like to read those articles, the link to the […]