Communicating With Honesty & Integrity
Let’s face it. Straight, honest, no nonsense communication in organizations today is more rare than common. Whether it’s fear of reprisal, natural timidity, or not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings, many of us avoid telling the truth when the truth needs to be told. The same applies to many of those who work for us.
The cost of such reticence can be high. If managers can’t get honest feedback from their associates, they, like the emperor in the fable of the Emperor’s New Clothes, will make foolish decisions. If associates can’t get honest feedback from their managers, they don’t improve, and their poor performance devalues the organization.
In this dynamic, fast-moving and delightfully humorous presentation, Larry shows you how to enhance your leadership skills by establishing a new standard of communication – a standard that encourages honest and candid discussions, frank expression of opinions, and healthy debate. A standard that does not mince words, insists on accountability, respects the dignity of others and is guided by a clear sense of ethics.
You will walk away with practical takeaway tools for:
• Creating a culture of accountability and responsibility
• Conducting difficult conversations without fracturing relationships
• Correcting performance problems and other tricky issues
• Listening for understanding so you can speak to be understood
• Managing conflict between yourself and others
• Dealing with anger in healthy, productive ways
• Establishing balance between work and home life
Based on Larry Johnson’s top selling Absolute Honesty: Building A Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk and Rewards Integrity